Cleveringa lecture – wykład Pani Prezes Sądu Najwyższego Holandii, prof. Dineke de Groot
Dziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, prof. dr hab. Tomasz Giaro
oraz Ambasada Królestwa Niderlandów w Warszawie
mają zaszczyt zaprosić na
wykład prof. Dineke de Groot, Prezes Sądu Najwyższego Królestwa Niderlandów
pt. Some reflections on sense and sensibility in a European rule of law debate
Wykład odbędzie się 23 listopada o godz. 18:30 w auli A.2 w budynku Collegium Iuridicum II (ul. Lipowa 4, Warszawa). Wykład zostanie wygłoszony w języku angielskim z tłumaczeniem symultanicznym na język polski. Po wykładzie zaplanowana jest sesja Q&A oraz poczęstunek w holu przed aulą.
On 23 November at 18:30 hrs., Prof. Dineke de Groot, President of the Supreme Court of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will deliver a ‘Cleveringa Lecture’ titled Some reflections on sense and sensibility in a European rule of law debate. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session and a buffet.
This lecture will be organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Poland together with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. The event will take place at Lipowa 4 street, Collegium Iuridicum II, room A.2.
The Cleveringa Lecture is an initiative of Leiden University to honor Professor of Law Rudolph Pabus Cleveringa (1894-1980) who on 26 November 1940 stood up against the forced dismissal of his Jewish colleagues from the university in a lecture he gave to his students. Immediately after his speech, Cleveringa was arrested by the German occupiers and interned until the end of World War Two. Since 1970, Leiden University organizes an annual lecture in November around the themes of justice and freedom. Many embassies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands worldwide have followed this tradition by organizing a so-called ‘Cleveringa Lecture’ on or around the date of 26 November in the country of their accreditation.
Dineke de Groot (1965) is president of the Dutch Supreme Court, or in Dutch the Hoge Raad. She studied law and humanities at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Vienna. As of 1990, she serves as a member of the judiciary. She participated in the training course to become a judge. After completion, she was appointed as a judge at the first instance court in Amsterdam. During this period, for several years, she was also affiliated with the section Development of the Dutch Council for the Judiciary and active as a deputy judge at the court of appeal in Arnhem. In 2011 she was appointed at the endowed chair Justice and conflict resolution at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since the beginning of 2012, she is a member of the Dutch Supreme Court.