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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warszawski

Global Business, Law and Religion - an open lecture by dr Matteo Corsalini

Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
zaprasza na wykład otwarty pod tytułem
Global Business, Law and Religion,
który wygłosi dr Matteo Corsalini
z Università degli Studi di Siena. 

Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw
cordially invites to an open lecture titled
Global Business, Law and Religion,
which will be given by dr Matteo Corsalini
from Università degli Studi di Siena. 

Wykład odbędzie się w sali 416 w Collegium Iuridicum I
26 kwietnia 2024 r. (piątek) o godz. 15:00.

Wykład zostanie wygłoszony w języku angielskim.

The lecture will take place in room 416 at the Collegium Iuridicum I
April 26th, 2024 (Friday) at 15:00.

The lecture will be conducted in English.


Drawing on his book Business, Religion, and the Law: Church and Business Autonomy in the Secular Economy (Routledge, 2023), Matteo Corsalini offers introductory remarks on the intersection between entrepreneurial activity and religion. With the United Nations and global business players urging companies to develop environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards of good performance and thus cultivate a “social conscience” in business, what role does religion play in the sustainability debate? What happens when ESG-concerns are grounded in religious beliefs? And how could such beliefs be distorted, misused, and mobilised to advance short-term private business interests rather than long-term public value?