Seminarium naukowe pt.: Europejska Dyplomacja Kosmiczna
English version below
Centrum Prawa Kosmicznego im. Manfreda Lachsa
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Profesjonalistów Sektora Kosmicznego
zapraszają na seminarium naukowe pt.:
Europejska Dyplomacja Kosmiczna
Prelegentami seminarium będą:
Julien Beclard i Nathan Talmi
dyplomaci Królestwa Belgii,
Martyna Perek
I Sekretarz w Stałym Przedstawicielstwie RP w Brukseli (w latach 2016-2022).
Seminarium, w języku angielskim, odbędzie się 11 kwietnia od godz. 17:00 w sali 114
Collegium Iuridicum IV, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 47 oraz online na platformie ZOOM
(link dostępny po wypełnieniu formularza rejestracyjnego).
The Manfred Lachs Center for Space Law
The Polish Space Professionals Association
is honored to invite for a scientific seminar entitled:
European Space Diplomacy
Seminar guests are:
Julien Beclard and Nathan Talmi,
diplomats of the Kingdom of Belgium,
Martyna Perek
First Secretary at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland in Brussels (in the years 2016-2022).
The seminar, conducted in English, will take place on April 11th from 5:00 PM in room 114
Collegium Iuridicum IV, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 47,
and online on the ZOOM platform (link available after completing the registration form).

Martyna Perek
I am a space enthusiast currently working at the largest e-commerce company of Polish origin in the CEE region (Allegro), in the European regulatory affairs team (legal department), navigating through complex development paths of the tech company, dealing with legislative implications for technology (AI, digital products’ passport, roles and liabilities along the supply & value chain, technical harmonization, sustainability policy – consumer, product, company).
Over the 6-year period (2016-2022) I was working in the European diplomacy mainly as a space and industry attaché (First Secretary) in the Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union in Brussels (Belgium), dealing with the EU internal market policies, negotiating EU draft legal proposals, strategies and sectoral EU multiannual financial programs (in the field of space, industry – i.a. raw materials, machinery, information exchange systems for administration, digital platforms in B2B relations, SMEs development & support programs), cooperating with European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament), representatives of other countries and organizations (e.g. European Space Agency), working with Polish public administration (all levels) and stakeholders.
I have worked for 13 years (2009-2022) as a civil servant in the Polish governmental administration (Ministry of Economy, European Affairs), gaining experience in implementing EU law through electronic systems and cooperating with other ministries as well as representatives of all levels of the Polish administration hierarchy, as well as with my European counterparts.
In May 2023 I obtained certificate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology / MIT Professional Education for the successful completion of the 8-week intense online program “New Space Economy: Technologies, Products, Services, and Business Models”, where I have learned about various possibilities for development of space businesses, its organizational, financial and product-specific challenges, also through the lens of international (global) community of participants and lecturers.
In October 2023 I completed on-site course at Stanford University (Stanford Graduate School of Business) majoring in negotiation (Influence and Negotiation Strategies Program), encompassing bilateral and multilateral business and international negotiations with elements of social psychology and economics of influence; contract negotiations involving cultural differences, coalitions and ethical challenges.
My education background circles around Warsaw University of Technology, where I have completed my Master degree in public administration - interdisciplinary 3+2 (Bachelor & Master’s degrees) study period, with a decent variety of legal, social and technical subjects. Additionally, I have completed a postgraduate study course about the sustainable energy supply source and energy certificates for buildings at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

Nathan Talmi
Nathan Talmi is a Space Attaché & EU Coordinator at BELSPO (Belgian Scientific Policy Office), based in Brussels.
Some of the main tasks as space legal & policy consultant are to represent Belgium to the Council of the European Union at the Space Working Party, as well as during discussions with EU Commission’s DG DEFIS on the upcoming EU Space Law, Space Traffic Management (STM) and EU/ESA space programmes
Member of the Belgian Delegation to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
Holds a master’s in European business law, a second master’s in political science, a certificate from the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) of the European Space Agency (ESA) on Space Law & Policies, as well as a Jean Monnet certificate on EU Environmental Law & Policies.

Julien Becklard
Julien is the Chair of the Space Working Party of the Council of the European Union, he is also:
- BE delegate - EU Space programme committee - Horizontal configuration (SHEG)
- BE delegate - Commission Space Policy Expert Group (SPEG)
- BE delegate (alternate) - Administrative Board EUSPA
- BE delegate ESPI
- BE delegate EURISY
Main abilities:
- Decision-making process of the EU institutions
- European space policy
- European global navigation satellite system
- International Relations
- European and Belgian industrial space sectors\
- Belgian space governance
- Project and event management
Julien has a PhD in European Space Policy - thesis: “towards a second Europeanization