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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warszawski

"The threshold moment in the digitalisation of work" - wykład w ramach programu STER

Wydziału Prawa i Administracji
Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

zaprasza na

wykład otwarty pt. "The threshold moment in the digitalisation of work", 
który poprowadzi prof. David Mangan z Osgoode Hall Law School – York University.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim
w dniu 12 grudnia 2024 r. w godz. 18:30-20:00,
w budynku przy Krakowskim Przedmieściu 1, sala 14.

Wstęp jest wolny,
z pierwszeństwem dla doktorantów i doktorantek UW.

Wizyta prof. Mangana finansowana jest
przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej w ramach Programu STER.

Zarys wystąpienia:

Where is the digitalisation of work taking us? Labour law has been frequently set within a power-based perspective (i.e. the inequality of bargaining power), which emphasises the opportunities that may be gained by the leveraging of numbers, as well as recognising the potency of capital. Information technology’s influence on work is more nuanced than only identifying power tensions because they deepen existing power imbalances. Through the platform economy, information technologies have exploited the existing grey area of classification of employment. While information technology has not originated inequality of bargaining power, it has added to it insofar as the disparity in information between employers and workers when it comes to the deployment, use, and capacities of information technologies in work (information asymmetry).  

In this presentation, information technology is explored as a driving force behind the advancement and inculcation of a neoliberal conceptualization of work. Information technology has been the talisman for an ideal efficiency. Without proper reflection upon its implications, however, these efforts remove the humanity from the workplace. 

The present is a time for more robust engagement with the current trajectory; and not merely an occasion for the passing of discrete legislation which insufficiently addresses the monumental movement underway. This is a threshold moment. Information technology has made answering the following question unavoidable and imperative: what is the role of work in our lives?