Beryl Philine ter Haar
Stopnie i tytułydr prof. ucz.
AdresOboźna 6
00-332 Warszawa
Room 3.06 -
Organizacyjna:Katedra Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
Terminy prowadzonych zajęć
Regular office hours are on Monday from 11.30 - 12.30.
Ter Haar teaches courses on the following topics:
- European labour law
- International labour law
- Equal treatment law in the employment relatonship
- CSR, HR Due Diligence, ESG, UN SDGs
- Future of work and labour law
Ter Haar teaches the following courses in the doctoral school for social scences:
- Presenting and Publishing Internationally
- Publication Strategy
Ter Haar is the lead-coach for the Polish team participating in the Hugo Siinzheimer Moot Court Competition
Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Beryl ter Haar is UW Professor and Head of the Centre for International and European Labour Law Studies (CIELLS) at the University of Warsaw and Endowed Professor European and Comparative Labour Law at the University of Groningen. In general, her research deals with international and European labour law, especially collective bargaining, social dialogue, new governance, transnational private regulation, corporate sustainable/human rights due diligence, and the future of social law. Her research is published in Dutch, Polish, and international journals and edited books. She has co-edited several books and is the lead-editor of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Labour and Employment Law (forthcoming 2026). The Haar is a member of several editorial boards of journals in law and labour law and a much-invited speaker at conferences and seminars. She is winner of the Marco Biagi Award 2011 (together with Attila Kun and Antonio García-Muñoz) and the 2013 Levenbachprize for best international publication in labour law. She is co-initiator and -organizer of the Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition.
Job related memberships and activities include:
Member editorial boards
October 2022 – currently: Member of the international advisory board of De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar'iah (Indonesia)
January 2022 – currently: Member of the Editorial Board of Diritti Lavori Mercati International DLMint (Italy)
November 2021 – currently: Member of the Editorial Board of the Hungarian Labour Law e-Journal.
December 2020 – currently: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of "Studia Prawnicze" (Legal Studies)
Sept. 2018 – currently: Member of the Editorial board of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal.
July 2018 – currently: Member of the Editorial board of Lex Russica.
Sept. 2016 – currently: Member of the Editorial board of Arbeidsrechtelijke Annotaties.
Sept. 2016 – January 2018: Managerial Editor of International Labor Rights Cases.Other activities
February 2024 – currently: member of the board of trustees of the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU), part of Trier University.
October 2023 – currently: member of the advisory committee of the PhD Programme in Labour, Development and Innovation, Marco Biag Foundation, University of Modena.
July 2023 – currently: member of the Steering Committee of the Labour Law Research Network.
May 2023 – currently: member of the Advisory Committee of the Young Researchers Seminar on Labour and Social Law.
July 2023 – currently: Lead-editor of Edward Elgar’s Encyclopedia on Labour and Employment Law (planned publication date June 2026).
Top 5 publcations
- N. Bueno, B.P.ter Haar and N. Zekić (eds.) Labour Law Utopias: Post Growth and Post Productive Work Approaches (Oxford University Press 2024)
- B.P. ter Haar & A. Kun (eds.), EU Collective Labour Law (Edward Elgar Publishers 2021)
- J.R. Bellace & B.P. ter Haar (eds)., Research Handbook on Labour, Business and Human Rights Law (Edward Elgar Publishers 2019)
- B.P. ter Haar, ‘Capitalism, Doughnut Economics, Eldorica, and the Role of Labour Law’, in E von Adamovich and M Zernikow (eds.) Philosophical and Sociological Reflections on Labour Law in Times of Crisis. (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022), 401-422.
- M.A. García-Muñoz Alhambra, B.P. ter Haar, A. Kun, ‘Harnessing Public Institutions for Labour Law Enforcement: Embedding a Transnational Labour Inspectorate within the ILO’, (2022) 17(1) International Organizations Law Review, 233-260
See attachment for a full overview of publications (version March 2024)
Fellowships and Awards
Since 2012 Levenbachfellow – awarded by the Levenbachinstitute (cooperation between the labour law departments and research institutes at Dutch universities) upon completion of a PhD-training programme in labour law.
2016 – 2020 Meijers-Fellow – awarded by the Meijers Research Institute, Faculty of Law, Leiden University upon 3-yearly positive reviews of research plans and results.
2014Levenbachprice - first price for the best international publication written by a Dutch Labour Law scholar (all academic stages) awarded by the Levenbachinstitute.
2011Marco Biagi Award – first price, annually awarded to young scholars by the International Association of Labour Law Journals
2010 Participation Stanford/Harvard Junior Faculty Forum, Stanford University – selected among 10 out of 1000+ submissions.