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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warszawski

Małgorzata Zofia Barzycka-Banaszczyk

  • Stopnie i tytuły
    prof. ucz. dr hab.
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    ul. Oboźna 6
    00-332 Warszawa
    Collegium Iuridicum III
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    Katedra Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
  • Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku

    Dr hab. Prof. UW Małgorzata Barzycka-Banaszczyk is a research and teaching fellow at the Department of Labour Law and Social Policy of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw.

    The main areas of her interest focus on issues of individual labour law, in particular on employer's compensatory liability, and problems concerning the interface between labour law and civil law, as well as collective labour law. Her interests include also the protection of employee's and employer's personal rights, areas of equal treatment, discrimination and mobbing.

    Prof. Małgorzata Barzycka-Banaszczyk is the author of numerous scientific publications, including: the monograph ‘Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza pracodawcy’ [eng. Employer's Compensatory Liability], publisher C.H. Beck, chapters in ‘System Prawa Medycznego’ [eng. Medical Law System], publisher Wolters Kluwer, (‘Legal protection of persons and institutions performing medical activities. Measures under labour law’ - vol. I, ‘ The right of medical workers to strike’ - vol. II, ‘Labour law liability of medical professionals’ – vol. III).

    Prof. Małgorzata Barzycka-Banaszczyk published numerous articles, i.a.: ‘Dyskryminacja (nierówne traktowanie) w stosunkach cywilnoprawnych’ [eng. Discrimination (unequal treatment) in civil law relations], ‘Obowiązek dbałości o dobro zakładu pracy. Kilka refleksji’ [eng. Duty of care for the welfare of the workplace. Some reflections], ‘Sukcesja praw i obowiązków po zmarłym pracowniku’ [eng. Succession of rights and obligations after a deceased employee] - co-author, ‘Zbieg roszczeń odszkodowawczych pracownika wobec pracodawcy wynikających z reżimu ex delicto oraz ex contractu’ [eng. Concurrence of compensation claims of the employee against the employer under the ex delicto and ex contractu liability regimes], ‘Delikt dyscyplinarny studenta; podstawa i przesłanki odpowiedzialności’ [eng. Disciplinary tort of a student; grounds for liability].

    In addition, she is the author of the handbook ‘Labour Law’ - published by C.H. Beck, which already has 19 editions and ‘Repetitorium of Labour Law’ - C.H. Beck (6 editions). Conducts lectures, master seminars and workshops. Actively participates in academic conferences. She is a supervisor of doctoral and master's theses. She is also a co-author of the handbook for the  University of Warsaw on equal treatment issues.

    Prof. Małgorzata Barzycka-Banaszczyk is the Coordinator of the Labour and Social Insurance Law Section of the Law Clinic at the Faculty of Law and Administration, as well as the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Appeals Committee for Students and Doctoral Students and the Chairperson of the Committee for Mobbing and Other Undesirable Behaviour at the University of Warsaw.