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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marzena Wojtczak

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    Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Warszawski
    Ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
    00-927 Warszawa
  • Jednostka

    Katedra Prawa Rzymskiego i Antycznego
  • Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku

    Academic Career:

    • Since 10.2012 has been teaching Roman law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw; since 02.2017 as Assistant Professor at the Chair of Roman Law and the Law of Antiquity, University of Warsaw.
    •  01.10.2021–30.09.2022: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (Freie Universität Berlin)
    •  01.09.2020–31.10.2020: Visiting Research Fellowship (IASH at the University of Edinburgh).
    •  01.10.2018–31.12.2019: Forschungsstipendium für Post-Doc, Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (“Römische Senatsbeschlüsse”).
    • 01.10.2011–26.09.2016: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration (Diploma cum laude/PhD in Law: Arbitration and Settlement of Claims in Late Antiquity) and Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad del País Vasco (cotutelle, PhD).
    • 01.05.2015–30.06.2015: LMU München and DAI AEK – Research scholarship.
    • 29.09.2014: University of Warsaw, Faculty of History, History Institute (BA in History: The origins of Justinian legislation concerning audientia episcopalis).
    • 01.08.2013–31.07.2014: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg – Research scholarship (DAAD).
    • 01.09.2009–31.07.2010: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (Erasmus).
    • 01.10.2006–30.06.2011: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration (Diploma cum laude/MA in Law: Boundaries of law and lawlessness in the light of chosen roman trials of religious character in Tacitus' ‘Annales’).

    Scientific boards and other occupations:

    • Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation; assistant for the editorial committee (02.2012–08.2013); member of the Management Board (since 12.2019).
    • Member of the Organising Committee for 27th International Congress of Papyrology in Warsaw (29.07–03.08.2013).
    • Organiser of the 24th Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians (14–17.06.2018, Warsaw).
    • Member of the Association Internationale de Papyrologues (since 2019).
  • Publikacje

    Publications with peer review process

    • Wojtczak, M. (2021): ‘Audientia sacerdotalis? – On the Legal Nature of Dispute Resolution by Ecclesiastics in Late Antiquity’, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, in print.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2019): ‘Legal representation of monastic communities in late antique papyri’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 49, pp. 347–399.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2018–2019): ‘Between heaven and earth: family’s ownership vs. rights of monastic communities. The Theodosian Code and late antique legal practice’, U schyłku starożytności. Studia źródłoznawcze 18–19, pp. 117–170.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2016, but published in 2017): ‘Audientia episcopalis w praktyce prawnej późnej starożytności – w poszukiwaniu źródeł regulacji sądów biskupich za panowania Justyniana’ [Audientia episcopalis in the legal practice of Late Antiquity – in search of the origins of Justinian’s legislation], U schyłku starożytności. Studia źródłoznawcze 15, pp. 121–147.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2016, but published in 2017): ‘Legal Aspects of Dispute Resolution in Late Antiquity – the case of P. Mich. XIII 659’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 46, pp. 275–308. 
    • Wojtczak, M. (2015): ‘Review: Jean–Pierre Coriat, ‘Les constitutions des Sévères: Règne de Septime Sévère.I, Constitutions datées de la première période du règne (juin 193–automne 197 ap. J–C) et constitutions non datées de Septime Sévère cite comme seul auteur de la décision [= Sources et Documents publiés par l’École française de Rome 1], École française de Rome 2014, xxvi + 422 pp., ISBN 978–2–7283–0969–6’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 44, pp. 189–193.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2014): ‘Polubowne metody rozwiązywania sporów w późnej starożytności – sprawa P. Mich. XIII 659’ [Amicable means for settling a dispute in late antiquity in the light of P. Mich. XIII 659], U schyłku starożytności. Studia źródłoznawcze 13, pp. 151–176. 
    • Wojtczak, M. (2014): ‘Zniewaga imagines władcy jako podstawa oskarżenia o crimen maiestatis w świetle wybranych rzymskich procesów karnych w Annales Tacyta’ [Offence against the emperor’s imaginesas a basis for accusation of crimen maiestatis in the light of chosen criminal court proceedings depicted in Tacitus’s Annales], Czasopismo Prawno–Historyczne 66.2, pp. 205–240.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2012): ‘Settlement of claims as a way of dispute resolution in the light of P. Petra IV 39. A legal commentary’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 42, pp. 353–380.
    • Wojtczak, M. (2011): ‘Sprawa Kremucjusza Kordusa – zagadnienie władzy i religii w rzymskim procesie karnym’ [The case of Cremutius Cordus – the question of power and religion in Roman criminal law], [in:] Regnum et Religio, Relacje Państwo–Religia na Przestrzeni Wieków, Warszawa, pp. 26–39. 
    • Wojtczak, M. (2011): ‘Chosen aspects of the execution of the imperial edicts regarding pagan cult in the context of public celebrations and feasts in the IV century’, [in:] Święto – zabawa – uroczystość w świecie starożytnym = Feast – play – celebration in the ancient world, Warszawa, pp. 153–163.

    Key conference presentations:

    • 02–03.11.2019: International Conference “Documentary practices in Edfu in the 7th century: administration and exercise of justice at the end of the Byzantine period and in the first decades of the Arab conquest”, IFAO, Cairo; paper: “Documentary practices of the late antique dispute resolution process.”
    • 29.10.2019: Conference “Römische Senatsbeschlüsse”, Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster; paper: “Zamoyski and the Roman Senate.”
    • 02–04.10.2019: Central Workshop: Law and Society in Times of Change: Theory and Praxis in Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Egypt, Humboldt Univeristy, Berlin; paper: “Acquisition of property by monastic communities in the light of the papyri – a case study of P. Cairo Masp. III 67324  and P. Cairo Masp. I 67003”
    • 02–07.09.2019: LXXIIIe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité, University of Edinburgh; paper: “Law and its Place in Monastic Communities: Rediscovering Legal Personality in Late Antique Egypt?”
    • 28.07–03.08.2019: 29th International Congress of Papyrology, Università del Salento, Lecce, paper: “The elusive issue of legal representation of monastic communities in the late antique papyri”.
    • 26–27.04.2019: “Clerics in Church and Society”, University of Warsaw, paper: “Audientia sacerdotalis? – on the legal nature of dispute resolution by ecclesiastics in Late Antiquity.”
    • 31.01.2019: Workshop “Römische Senatsbeschlüsse”, Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster; paper: “The papyrological attestations of the senatusconsulta in the legal practice of the imperial provinces”.
    • 04–06.07.2018: 4. Internationaler Workshop. Trial Procedure in the Acts of the Ecumenical Councils and Other Late Antique Documentary Sources, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, paper: Ecclesiastics engaged in conflicts in the light of the papyri – on the wide spectrum of alternative dispute resolution strategies in Late Antiquity.
    • 14-17.06.2018: 24th Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians “Norms and Legal Practice: There and Back Again” Warsaw, Poland, paper: Legal representation of monastic communities in the light of late antique papyri – when norms meet legal practice.
    • 13–15.12.2017: 9. Innsbrucker Tagung: ‚Lebend(ig)e Rechtsgeschichte’ 2017 “Staatsentstehung”, Universität Innsbruck, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, paper: Arbitration and Settlement of Claims in late Antiquity.
    • 08–09.12.2017: Theorizing contacts in the Roman Empire, University of Edinburgh, poster presentation: Private dispute resolution in Egypt in Late Antiquity – theorising contacts between law and legal practice.
    • 16–18.10.2017: Monasticism in the Nile Valley (workshop), PCMA Research Centre, Cairo, paper: Legal personality of the monastic entities – the term dikaion/diakonia revisited.
    • 30.05–01.06.2017: 23rd Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, Naples 2017, paper: Literary attestations of audientia episcopalis as a reflection of the functioning of the bishop courts in Late Antiquity–methodological challenges.
    • 01–06.08.2016: 28th International Congress of Papyrology, Barcelona, paper: How formal was ‘informal’? Arbitration and settlement of claims in Late Antiquity.
    • 28.06–02.07.2016: Two Sides of the Same Coin – Dispute Resolution in Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt”, Louvain, paper: Private Dispute Resolution – An Alternative to State Jurisdiction?
    • 21–22.07.2016: Legal Experts and Legal Expertise in the Ancient World, Onati, paper: Arbitration and Settlement of Claims in Late Antiquity – the legal practice perspective.
    • 16.06.2015: paper: Alternative dispute resolution in the anthropological discourse: a critical reassessment (Institut Leopold-Wenger für Rechtsgeschichte, Juristische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München).
    • 10.06.2015: paper: Alternative ways of dispute resolution in legal practice of Byzantine Egypt (DAI München).
    • 05.06.2014: Queen Mary Postgraduate Legal Research Conference 2014, London, paper: Arbitration in Late Antiquity: Few Words on the Applicability, Goals and Functions.
    • 02–05.04.2014: 20th Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, Cambridge 2014, paper: Precedents in the Court and Arbitration Proceedings of Roman and Byzantine Egypt.
    • 29.07–03.08.2013: 27th International Congress of Papyrology held at the University of Warsaw, paper: Legal Aspects of Dispute Resolution in Late Antiquity – the case of P. Mich. XIII 659.
    • 13–16.09.2012: Between Heaven and Earth: Law, Ideology, and Social Order in Late Antiquity: 13–16 September 2012 (University of Manchester); paper: Dispute Resolution in the Light of P. Petra IV 39.
  • Granty

    Research grants/stays and scholarships:

    • 01.09–31.10.2020: Visiting Research Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the University of Edinburgh.
    • 01.10.2018–20.12.2019: Forschungsstipendium in the Humboldt Stiftung project “Römische Senatsbeschlüsse”, Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
    • 01–31.01.2018: CEDANT 2018, The Theodosian Code: Compilation, Transmission, Reception; Collegium of Roman Law – Pavia, January 2018 (granted an intensive residential course of study).
    • 10.2016–currently: Co-researcher in the project Monks and monastic communities funded by Polish National Science Centre (responsible for analysis of the imperial legislation on monks and monasteries).
    • 05.2015–08.2018: Principal investigator in the project Alternative methods of dispute resolution in legal practice of Egypt in Late Antiquity funded by Polish National Science Centre.
    • 2015–2018: Participation in the international research project: (Spain): Centre and Periphery in the Legal Discourse and Legal Practice of the Roman Empire, DER2015-67052-P.
    • 10.2014: Scholarship granted by Gerda Henkel Foundation and Elise and Annemarie Jacobi Foundation for Ancient History and Epigraphy – research stay in DAI München, 05-06.2015.
    • 10.2013–07.2014: Scholarship granted by DAAD – Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg.
    • 10.2012–09.2014: Twice awarded with the scholarship for the best doctoral candidates at the University of Warsaw and scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


    • 03.2021: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (Freie Universität Berlin; starting in autumn 2021)
    • 11.2019: Scholarship for young eminent scholars awarded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
    • 12.2017: Preis für antike Rechtsgeschichte 2017, Universität Innsbruck.
    • 05.2018: START 2018 Scholarship for leading young researchers granted by Foundation for Polish Science.
  • Zainteresowania

    Research interests:

    • Study of the legal practice in late antiquity; juristic papyrology; sociology and anthropology of law; history of mentality, legal awareness.