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Call for Papers - wydanie specjalne European Journal of Legal Education

European Law Faculties Association oraz Law Schools Global League prowadzą nabór zgłoszeń do wydania specjalnego European Journal of Legal Education. Szczegóły dostępne są poniżej oraz na stronie ELFA.

ELFA – LSGL Special Issue on Global Legal Education Call for Papers

This issue will provide a platform for publications for ELFA and LSGL member Faculties, to examine a broad range of issues in connection with global legal education. Submissions will be welcome within the following sub-themes:

(1) Approaches to global legal education
(2) Legal education and global challenges
(3) Ethos, values and skills in global legal education
(4) Global legal education, AI and legal tech
(5) Legal education networks and global legal education, and
(6) Equality and global legal education.

You are invited to submit your manuscript before the deadline of 1 September 2024.

Acceptance of selected publications will be confirmed by 15 December 2024, and publication is expected by February 2025. For any inquiries about contribution topics, please contact the Guest Editors at

Please refer to the EJLE Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript . As you can see in the guidelines, the papers should typically be up to 10.000 words, inclusive of the abstract, tables, references, figure captions, footnotes, so any paper between 6.000 and 10.000 words will be of interest to the publication.